A Provation of the Wild: explores through the texts of "Brave New World" and "BladeRunner" humanity's returns to the wilderness.

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Since the genesis of our existence humankind has been progressively distancing itself from nature. With the effects of pollution, deforestation and degradation of the environment dramatically increasing each decade, humanity's dissociation with nature has never been more apparent. Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" and Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner" have extrapolated this idea of the disintegration in the relationship between humanity and nature, to create contrasting and dystopic environments, predicting the cataclysmic consequences a world devoid …

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…around worlds that are removed from nature because of technology and consumerism. However, it is because of this minimal interaction with nature that the audience is shown the importance of it, as both explore the possibilities of what the world would be like without the natural environment. They hold a warning against becoming too involved with technological advancements and the dire consequences of abandoning the natural world in which humanity has been fortunate to receive.