A Position Paper on Immigration

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Immigration is a topic that is discussed in coffeehouses, at the break room water fountain, in the boardrooms, and at the highest level of government. Why, we ask is this, such a widely discussed topic? I believe the answer will vary from person to person. I believe the primary reason is centered on cost. There are those who argue, that the cost of supporting immigrants, is burdening our state budget. The cost of supporting their …

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…government. I believe that tax-paying immigrants will assist my being able to retire with funds in my social security account. I believe that the strength of our nation is due in part to the diversity that we all bring to this country. Legal immigration with standards and values that are understood by those coming in would get America back on track. References Glastris, Paul (1997, May 26). The alien payoff. U.S. News & World Report, 20-22.