A Person is Only as Good as His Background
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Some suggest that people should control themselves and get past the impediment set up by his or hers background. They should know right from wrong and acceptable from taboo. While this notion may be true in a small percentage of cases, most of the time the person has a hard time contemplating the social norms society as a whole has set up. Therefore, negative or positive actions done by a person relates directly to his
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actions have consequences and people must be held responsible. Just because Trent Lott had extremely racist parents, does not mean that the comments he made were right or more appropriately, excusable. Usually the actions or words will not land you in jail, however, the actions the he or she does, will definitely have an affect. Though the person has to be held responsible, he or she is only as good as he or she's background.
actions have consequences and people must be held responsible. Just because Trent Lott had extremely racist parents, does not mean that the comments he made were right or more appropriately, excusable. Usually the actions or words will not land you in jail, however, the actions the he or she does, will definitely have an affect. Though the person has to be held responsible, he or she is only as good as he or she's background.