A People's History Of The United States

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
As the British and Colonists were engaged in the Seven Years War against the French and Indians, the colonists were slowly building up feelings for their removal from under the British crown. There had been several uprisings to overthrow the colonial governments. When the war ended and the British were victorious, they declared the Proclamation of 1763 which stated that the land west of the Appalachians was to be reserved for the Native American population. The …

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…to John Locke's Second treatise on Government. The Declaration was introduced and read from the town hall balcony in Boston. Ironically a member of the Loyal Nine, men that opposed militant action against the British, read it. Four days later a military draft occurred and the rich dodged it by paying for substitutes when the poor had to serve. Rioting followed with the shouting of tyranny is tyranny let it come from whom it may.