"A Passage to India" by E. M Forster.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Racism, colonialism and imperialism are related in many ways. They all have cultural relationships that span time. From the earliest days of civilization until today, the relationship of the three can be identified clearly. Racism is a thought or belief that one race is better than the other. Imperialism is the national policy or practice of acquiring foreign territories or establishing dominance over other nations. Colonialism is a policy by which a nation maintains or …

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…because things change. One cannot always be on top, which in fact, results in colonialism. Colonialism makes one feel like they have power and that eventually leads to them thinking they are the best. For the English it didn't work out to well because their colonies decided they would be better off without England. Racism, Imperialism and colonialism are all interconnected and related. They feed off of each other and are linked to each other.