"A Pair pf Silk Stockings" written by Kate Chopin.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Battle to Break Free In "A Pair pf Silk Stockings" written by Kate Chopin, the main character is Mrs. Sommers. She is a middle aged white woman who lives with her four children and husband. Throughout the story she is not very well do and she has to make due with what she has. As we read the story we realize what problems she faces and how she overcomes them. In "The Battle with …

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…is in different ways. Mrs. Sommers spends money on herself rather than worrying about her family while Mr. Frederick Douglass stands up for himself not worrying about the consequences. He just shows Mr. Covey what he can do, and if he is forced to will do again. In the end of both stories, they feel happy and content with what they did, not regretting one thing. They both fought their battles and succeeded in winning.