A New E-Australia as a potential foreign investment from a Chinese investor point of view

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INTRODUCTION Globalization has been one of the most popular words and a new idea which influents for every country and individual person in recent years. Foreign investment exists in most countries now. As the biggest country in the South Pacific, Australia has attracted a lot of foreign investors from different areas in the world. This essay will introduce Australia briefly, the relationship with Asian countries; and then, the first issues will investigate Australia's economic environment …

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…to Invest in Australia. (2003). Australian Government, Invest Australia. Retrieved March 29, 2004. From http://www.investaustralia.gov.au/index.cfm?menuid=2033E165...... Trade and Economic Framework between Australia and the People's Republic of China. (2002). Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Retrieved March 11, 2004. From http://www.dfat.gov.au/geo/china/framework/economic_framework.html Trade and Investment. (2002). Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Retrieved March 11, 2004. From http://www.dfat.gov.au/aib/trade_investment.html