A Nation of Darwinism on Education displayed in Brown v. Board of Education.

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The segregated schools in the United States' past years are justified by the Caucasians sense of superiority over the African Americans; therefore, the African Americans where not worthy of the same education. Yet theorists like Charles Darwin, who view the existence of humans in a competitive state of mind, have a different perspective of such acts. These segregated schools allowed the Whites to receive high-quality education, giving them an edge over the African Americans. The …

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…gt;Frankenberg, Erica, Lee,Chumgmei ,Orfield Gary. "A Multiracial Society" . January 29, 2003 . Harvard College . April 16, 2005 <http://www.civilrightsproject.harvard.edu/research/reseg03/resegregation03.php> *<Tab/>"Has Martin Luther King's Dream Become a Nightmare? ". January 29, 2003 Harvard University . April 16, 2005 <http://www.civilrightsproject.harvard.edu/research/reseg03/intro.pdf> *<Tab/>The National Center. March 23, 2005 .<www.nationalcenter.org/brown.html>