A Nation is Born

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Essay Database > History > North American History
A Nation is Born At the beginning of the 19th century, the United States was looking for it's own identity now that they had their own nation. People started to move westward causing the removal of Indians from their native lands (A People's History, Howard Zinn, Chapter 7 and Coster, Kevin, Producer and Host, 500 Nations video), women began to get more educated and acquiring more rights (Luna, Enrique, class notes 4-29-03), an infrastructure in the …

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…civil war. This era in United States history tells me that this country has really evolved through the years. Also, this era was the building blocks for how our economy works now. It also, started the movements towards equality for everyone in this country, not just white males. This era also helped to create tensions between the South and the rest of the United States that eventually led to the beginning of the civil war.