A Moment Of Peace

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Essay Database > Literature > English
I am not sure how I arrived at this place. Although I do not remember my travels, the journey must have been long, for the muscles of my legs and back burn as if I have walked a thousand miles. The brisk breeze is a pleasant relief to the 100 plus temperatures of a late August day. The whispering winds, that softly cross the droplets of perspiration on my forehead, carry with them small white creatures. …

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…the bland sight of my ivory bathroom walls greets me. I quickly slam my eyes shut like a prison door, as if to hold these visions captive inside my mind. As the visions fade from view, the thick steam of my shower wraps itself around me, as if it meant to be one last hug from my mother. I am not sad, for my day somehow seems better thanks to that one moment of peace.