A Modest Proposal for Gun Control today.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
Gun Control A wave of high-profile school shootings has placed gun control at the top of the public agenda for the past couple of years. Politicians are engaged in frantic attempts to prevent gun violence or at least give the appearance of doing so. Celebrities have lately added to this cause, like rapper Puff Daddy, and basketball star, Jason Williams, who were both part of recent shootings. In short, this flood of lawmaking and big …

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…because it is aimed directly at the small percentage of the population that commits crimes. It leaves law-abiding citizens free to exercise their Second Amendment rights. If the success of three strikes laws is any indication, this would be very effective in cutting gun violence. Americans have nothing to fear from armed, law-abiding citizens. Let us direct our gun laws, against those criminal elements who use guns as the instrument of their terror and violence.