"A Modest Proposal" Essay

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Word choice gives Swift artillery to create satire in "A Modest Proposal". In "A Modest Proposal", Swift uses several different words to create satire, one of which is the word 'breeders'. He uses the term breeders in reference to the women. In several paragraphs he talks about these breeders and their role. "I calculate there may be about 200,000 couples whose wives are breeders;"(Swift 2) The way that he refers to the women as breeders instead …

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…is not an advantage except for only having to live in poverty for a shorter period of time, being able to contribute to society and for the general public, less beggars and homeless on the streets. Therefore the streets are cleaner, less hectic, not as crowded and just plain better. Works Cited Swift, Jonathon "A Modest Proposal" 75 Reading plue ed. Santi V. Buscemi, Charlotte Smith. <Tab/>McGraw-Hill. USA, 2000. www.dictionary.com