A Mock letter to a cousin in Cambodia in the 1970's, describing the immigrant experience in Australia

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Dear Cousin Samnang, How have you been? I am so happy to hear you are alive. I tried to contact you, but 28 years is a long time, and so I feared the worst. You must have been one of the lucky people who managed to hide from the horrible regime, God must have blessed you. How is your family? Well, I hope. You must have really fought to survive back in Cambodia. Anyway, you would …

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…not persecuted for being intelligent, in fact, you are encouraged to express yourself in every way you can. The times have changed, and it is easier and quicker to gain residency in Australia, if you apply correctly and legally. It was a wise decision back when I moved, and it has never been better to migrate here. I look forward to hearing form you, or better still, seeing you, soon! From your cousin, Silong Bun-Rong