"A Midsummer's Night Dream" -Essay

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
It is odd to see that love can be so versatile. There are people who claim they are in love and get divorced a week later, and others who are "in love" stay married for over fifty years. In Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare's portrayal of order versus chaos demonstrates his belief that love is a blinding force blocking everything that may even hinder its path, therefore creating much conflict if a rational mindset does not …

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…presents order and civility, ending the play peacefully with a happy ending. Being that love is so fickle, many are tricked into believing something that is not true. Just as Theseus and Hippolyta love one another, Shakespeare portrays his belief that all is far in love and although troubles may cease, it is all worth it in the end. Trials and tribulation are just obstacles hindering the path of falling in deep and unconditional love.