A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
In the ancient city of Athens a wedding is about to take place between Theseus, duke of Athens, and Hippolyta, the Amazon warrior queen who he had won. They meet in the duke's palace to discuss their marriage festivities. Suddenly, Egeus storms in, extremely upset. He wants his daughter, Hermia, to marry Demetrius, who is in love with her. Hermia, however, is in love with Lysander and refuses to give in to her father's demands. …

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…Theseus, preparations continue for the wedding festivities. Bottom and company perform their "lamentable comedy." A comedy it is, and though the duke and the others offer musch to say about the production, they are well pleased with the entertainment. Puck arrives get rid of the last enchantment. Oberon and Titania offer blessings upon the houses of the lovers. Puck, asks for applause. After all, he suggests, these proceedings may have been nothing "but a dream."