"A Marxist View on Government and Religion of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia"

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
"A Marxist View on Government and Religion of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia" When it comes to history, there are several different ways to look back at the past. The ideas and beliefs of Karl Marx can provide a good comparative aspect on the past. Marxism is the belief developed by Marx that takes away classes and puts all the people on the same level. Everything is equal. When looking back at the government and religion …

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…these two civilizations that can be looked upon as Marxist is when the Jews rose up against the Egyptian government and won their freedom. For Mesopotamia, the only characteristic that comes close to being Marxist is when the king had nobles distribute seed to farmers. This shows the farmers working together to achieve the same goal. Overall, however, the majority of the government and religion of Egypt and Mesopotamia cannot be looked upon as Marxist.