A Loyalist

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They called me M.J., that stood for Michael Jones. It was the early part of April in 1760 when I departed an English port and headed across the waters for the North American colonies where I planned to settle, start a family, and begin what I hoped to be a very prosperous life. It was the summer if 1760 when I planted my feet and my heart in Boston along with several black slaves that I …

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…rebels. Bibliography: Brown, Wallace. The Good Americans: Loyalists in the American Revolution. New York: Macmillan, 1971. Lancaster, Bruce, J.H. Plumb, Bruce Catton. The Revolution. New York: American Heritage, 1971. Nevins, Allen. The American States: During and After the Revolution. New York: Macmillan, 1927. Maier, Paul. The Old Revolutionaries. New York: Vintage, 1980. VanDoren, Carl. Secret History of the American Revolution. New York: The Viking Press, 1941. Ward, Harry M. The American Revolution: Nationhood Achieved. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995.