A Lovely Wedding: Descriptive essay.

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Essay Database > Entertainment
What a wonderful day it was for an outdoor wedding: warm, but not terribly so. The early May sun peeked out occasionally. A pleasant breeze from the north rustled in the surrounding shrubs, cooling the guests and family members as they took their seats on either side of the walk leading to the gazebo. Sweet strains of classical music drifted through the crowd. I couldn't believe it; my best friend Angie and her fianc&…

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…were so quick to get away. Mike tried not to step on Angie's long white train that dragged the ground as they ran. As they reached the decorated Lincoln, Mike jumped in the driver's seat and Angie in the passenger's seat. Mike took off as if he was in the Indy 500, ready to win a race. The ribbons and twisted coils and streamers whisked in the wind behind them. The wedding had turned out delightful.