"A Lesson Before Dying" by Richard E. Gaines, Jefferson.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Hundreds of people are executed every year, but what are their last thoughts? In the novel A Lesson Before Dying by Richard E. Gaines, Jefferson, a black man is convicted for a murder he didn't commit and sentenced to death. His lawyer degrades Jefferson by referring to him as a hog and Grant is forced to teach Jefferson that he is not a hog, but a man. In the end, Grant and Jefferson become friends …

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…even though their lives are troubled, they will not be beaten down. They are inspired by each other's friendship and this helps pull them through in the end. Jefferson and Grant realize that they cannot change what has happened but the must maintain their pride. This pride helps Jefferson to walk to his death as a man, not a hog. In the end, Jefferson and Grant's live are changed because of the lessons they learn.