A Justified Cause, A Persuasive Essay pertaining to my views on Terrorism within the United States.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
Terror is a strong and overpowering fear. It's hard to believe that some individuals' goals are to instill this in us -- to wreak havoc and destruction among the innocent. It's becoming more and more evident with each new year. Fanatical groups around the world are slowly coming out. Terrorism, based on intimidation and fear, no longer will be cast aside: the United States will stand and fight for the freedom and values of its …

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…pleasure in proving a point by devastation. The United States, being a world superpower, is not going to sit back while fanatical groups kill innocent people. The United States will use every bit of its resources to protect the American way of life. "No longer are warning signs ignored" (Worthington 225). The problem is people are dying, people are suffering, and people should not have to deal with this sort of animosity towards them. Ian Minyard