A Global Perspective by Joan Ferrante

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Chapter 8 of Ferrante's Sociology: a Global Perspective, focuses on the idea of social stratification (division of people into ranked social classes). While the chapter discusses different stratification systems and how they affect these social classes have on people's lives, article19, in Sociological Footprints by Leonard Cargan and Jeanne Ballantine discuss the breakdown of class structure, as well as the consequences of it. Social stratification is defined in the text as the system of classifying people …

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…and the " deprived" population (making under $25,000 per year) makes up roughly 28%. The text goes on to explain that while times change, and money value change, the rich are getting richer but other less fortunate segments of the population are not. Because the economic growth is not being shared, and the number of well-paying jobs is becoming more limited (due to the number of products being made over seas), economic inequality shows no sign of diminishing.