A Girl or A Boy . . . You Pick

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
A GIRL OR A BOY . . . YOU PICK In the July 23, 2002 issue of the Los Angeles Times Newspaper, there was an article entitled "A Girl or a Boy, You Pick" written by Aaron Zitner. The article discusses the embryo-sorting technique called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis or "PGD" and how embryo sorting makes it possible to screen for gender and diseases prior to implantation in the uterus. In the article, the author brings up some of the ethical …

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…have today that were created so blind people can read, so short people can reach. By taking away the genes that make us all different we will be destined to a future void of creativity and vision since there will be no need for diversity in the tools we use to live our lives. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis will only lead us to a society where how far you go depends on what you're made of.