A General Analysis of Ridley Scott's 'Alien' (1979)

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This film gave birth to a great legacy of other films and items such as interactive games, books, music and film sequels. However, this original landmark piece of cinema, released on May 25, 1979, with a largely unknown cast and director, is now considered by many to be one of the best and most influential science fiction films ever made, on a par with other 'Hollywood greats' such as Blade Runner, The Terminator, 2001 - A Space Odyssey, …

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…de and when James Cameron took over the directing chair he opted not to go for the slow pace and high tension which had so dominateed the original, but made it an all out action 'shoot-em-up' with "Aliens". Some say this is the better movie, but the original remains a quality stand alone film and a landmark in the sci-fi horror sub genre that has not been matched by any other saga. By Scott Edwards