"A Doll's House" by Henrik Ibsen.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Often in literature characters are presented as victims of society. There are many examples of this in Henrik Ibsen's controversial play, "A Doll's House". Written during the Victorian era, Ibsen's play would have raised a lot controversy on the roles of males and females in society. The audience would have noticed the constant similarities between themselves and the characters that are presented as victims of society. A lot of the audience would have found the …

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…and followed society's trend and slept around with as many women as he please. The exploration of the character's choices in society, whether to follow the crowd or be an outcast, often displays them as victims of society. No matter how large or small, most of the characters in "A Doll's House" are presented as victims. 'A Doll's House" magnificently illustrates the need for a change in society's view of males and females in society.