A Doll's House, Play Critique

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A DOLL'S HOUSE On October nineteenth, at eight o'clock PM, I went to the Hilberry Theatre in Detroit to see a play that was written by Henrik Ibsen in 1879, called "A Doll's House." A Doll's House" is a dark comedy about Nora Helmer's comfortable life which is in jeopardy. In an effort to keep a secret from her husband, Nora comes to a courageous decision that could change her life and happiness forever. The ticket …

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…was overly decorated with marvelous textures of Victorian wall paper, wood paneling, a fainting couch, a piano, a grandfather clock, a fireplace, and many family pictures on the walls. Costumes were out, and out beautifully crafted, and they looked as if they were from that era of dress. All of these elements combined to create a memorable experience for me, and I hope to see yet another fabulous play by the Hillberry Theatre in Detroit.