A Document Based Essay Question explaining the Industrial Revolution during the 1800s. -how the US changed during the Revolution and the different problems it faced

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Essay Database > History > North American History
During the late 1800s, the United States economy changed due to new inventions, remarkably rapid growth, and new forms of communication and transportation. These benefits brought about changes with new inventions. New inventions and manufacturing brought about more jobs in different industries, one being textiles. Some of the problems faced were child labor and low wages. Throughout the industrial revolution, there were different inventions that affected the people in different ways. For instance, the completion …

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…People could travel and goods could be sold to more places. Document 4 shows how the major industries; textiles, iron and steel, lumber, and food were leading the industrialization of America by employing the most workers, paying the highest salaries, and having people invest in them. Lastly, inventors like Thomas Alva Edison greatly increased the quality of life for all Americans with inventions of the light bulb, phonograph, motion picture, electric power plant, any many more.