A Discussion Guide and Outline to the book "Daughter of Time" by Josephine Tey

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Daughter of Time Discussion Guide I. Characters A. Alan Grant -works as a police officer at Scotland Yard -in hospital because he fell through a trap door chasing a criminal; "bed-borne" (12) -has a broken leg -very bored (11) received many books to read, but has no interest in them because they're all the same to him, "Authors today wrote so much to a pattern that their public expected it." (14) -has a passion for faces (19) -could always …

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…me. They seem to have no talent for the likeliness of any situation. They see history like a peepshow; with two-dimensional figures against a distant background. (151)" Grant says that historians are narrow-minded and only see the things that people did and the events that took place without considering why people did the things they did, or why the events happened. It is like the historian is writing a persuasive paper rather than an informational piece.