"A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America" by Ronald Takaki

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Takaki talked about the different minority groups about how they struggled during World War II, and how they contributed in winning this war. Jews, Japanese, Chinese, Mexicans, and African Americans were mainly discussed about how they were treated in American society during that time of the war, and how it integrates with the inequality factors they have faced even though they contributed with patriotism to this land called America. Takaki talks about Hitler, and the …

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…and make one for Japanese Americans. This show how shallow and ignorant American people can be. What totally amazes me is that we still do this today in our society. It seems we don't learn from America's mistakes and this hatred cycle still continues. Though I am sure it is much better now than in the past, reading this section has made me aware how lucky I am to live in this day of age.