A Day in the life of a King's Son (during the reign of Roman Empire)

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Essay Database > History > World History
A Day in the Life of a Christian Yes, yes, I'm a Christian. Now what? This is insane. We're treated like a bunch of scapegoats. Whenever something turns out wrong, whenever it's someone's fault and they don't want to admit it, all they do is just point at one of us and we're blamed for it. Just see what Emperor Nero did to our fellow Christians. What did we do wrong that caused the burning …

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…I believe that Christianity would be a legal religion soon, because we have those brave martyrs like my friend who died praying to God. I will be like my brave friend. I will never feel scared to practice my religion without hiding. I will be a true Christian. I'd give up my life for my religion so that my fellow Christians wouldn't suffer as much as we did. Waiting for the freedom of Christianity. Amen.