"A Cry in the Night" by Ellis Carol.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Background Molly and her family were having a vacation at an old house in an old town called Lynnton. It started as a regular family vacation but soon Molly discovered that something frightening was going on. She saw a ghostly young girl wandering the town, disappearing and reappearing unexpectedly, awakening Molly in the middle of the night with her desperate cries of "Mother!" But only Molly could see her or hear her. Seeking to help …

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…was the work of the devil, and we must pray that he has now been cast out from our midst, never to return...* On this day, September 27, 1692, was Sarah Woolrich led to the gallows and hanged for a witch." *it is really but really long (which is another thing that contributes to the tension of the story) so I didn't copy all of this. The above quotation emphasized very clearly my explanation of the structure. "