A Critical Analysis Of

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
The following has been written as a critical analysis of the film "The Sixth Sense". In this essay I will discuss a large variety of techniques and parts which help create the film. I will also focus on a certain extract of said film. The basic plot of the film is simple, it is focused on a young boy (Cole) who can see ghosts, however this is not the only element to it. Other focuses …

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…a disturbing scene, and is built up as the tension/spookiness grows. The actors are realistic and laudable, none are wooden and all seem fully in character. The story line has twists and turns all the way through and overall, The Sixth Sense is not a film to be sneered at, or called too dark, as its amazing twist of action, gore, sombre mood and lighter scenes provide the viewer with a full, fascinating film.