A Comparison of Timothy Findlay's "The Wars" and Robert Altman's film "M.A.S.H.".

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The Wars and M*A*S*H: Two Miracles Linked by Fate. Looking back at the past hundred years, some might say that the travesty of war was one of the most prominent recurring themes of the 20th century. No matter how many wars were fought, peace never seemed to be achieved, and in the process millions of lives were lost. For the first portion of the 20th century, most people naturally accepted the conventions …

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…many might view these lewd acts as simple pranks, in reality it is the result of helplessness felt by the protagonist, who sees his obstinate behaviour as the only weapon he can use against an absurd system. Robert Ross also clashes out against the system, however his rebellion takes a more serious form, resulting in the death of several other soldiers and himself. Part of what makes both M*A*S*H and The Wars