A Comparison of Love Poems

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
I am going to compare three different poems: "My Box" by Gillian Clarke, "Valentine" by Carol Ann Duffy and "Shall I compare Thee...?" (Sonnet 18) by William Shakespeare. In my essay I will discuss the language, images, style, rhythm and many other aspects used to construct each of the poems. The modern poem "My Box" written by Gillian Clarke, in essence, is about a gift of a box from a man to a woman. The first …

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… rhyme or a regular pattern. "Shall I Compare Thee...?" and "My Box" both send out the same message that life is short and that we all die, although memories won't and they will outlive us. In "My Box" it is the writing in the books, and in "Shall I Compare Thee...?" it is again writing but in this case the poem. Both show the power of writing and how it lives on and on.