A College Education: Is it Worth $100,000?

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
In Robert E. Sullivan, Jr.'s "Greatly Reduced Expectations", Sullivan discusses the lack of employment available to college graduates. Throughout the essay, testimonials are given by four college graduates who expected more opportunity when they graduated with a four year degree. I sympathize with these men and women who are working in jobs that do promote their ability. Jim McKay, a graduate from the University of Washington, with a degree in English, did not expect …

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…work their way up, it would keep the job force moving, and give everyone somewhere to start with the possibility of moving up. The situation that college graduates are facing is serious, and needs to be addressed. I feel bad for all the people who were expecting more and never are going to get it. I just hope that when I graduate my class has a better chance at a good job within out field.