A Character Analysis of Josephine Alibrandi, From "Looking for Alibrandi" by Melina Marchetta

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At the start of "Looking for Alibrandi", by Melina Marchetta we are introduced to a seventeen year old girl by the name of Josephine "Josie" Alibrandi, who is in her last year of high school. By the end of the book it is made obvious that Josephine has gone through many dramatic and important changes, including achieving her emancipation, discovering her family secret, accepting her culture, and meeting, and having a relationship with her father, …

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…doesn't matter whether I'm Josephine Andretti who was never an Alibrandi, who should have been a Sandford and who may never be a Coote. It matters who I feel like I am - and I feel like Michael and Christina's daughter and Katia's granddaughter; Sera, Anna and Lee's friend and Robert's cousin. You know, a wonderful thing happened to me when I reflected back on my year. 'One day' came. Because finally I understood." (pg260).