A Changing View of Slavery

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Essay Database > History
The institution of slavery in the seventeenth-century had evolved into a whole new attitude by the nineteenth-century. A time where one's economic standing marked their place in society had long since been forgotten as the nineteenth-century began to give a new meaning to slave ideology. Racism became more of a determining factor in a slaves life as the nineteenth-century progressed and slaves were treated more unfairly in all aspects of life. As far as legal …

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…acceptable, but it is easier to view through the seventeenth-century, than to hear of the horrible maltreatments of the nineteenth-century. Through examining these two novels, the changes and transitions in this institution are clearly laid out for the reader to evaluate. The differences between the two ages of slavery are blatant, one would come out of the readings undeniably believing the severity to be greater in the nineteenth-century than it ever was in the seventeenth.