A Chance to Save

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
A Chance to Save The air of a cool summer night brushed my hair as my friend Greg and I made our way through the night. He's tall and skinny but has a fearless mannerism about him. I, on the other hand, am a little over weight and strong, but always nervous about getting in trouble. We were both going to be sophomores in September and could not wait. The stars that night shone bright, …

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…that night. He seemed sober, but he still drank and it was late. I should have stopped him. I am writing this hoping it will someday save a life and the people like Greg and I will not need to experience the same pain we have been through. In Loving Memory Ali Michelle Gooding ~ June 8, 1984 - June 1, 2000 Gloria Landry O'Brian ~ October 7, 1984 - June 1, 2000 Joseph Ryan McFarlane ~ December 22, 1985 - June 1, 2000 James Darren Doherty ~ May 2, 1983 - June 1, 2000