A Brief Summary and History of Contraceptive Devices

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A Brief Summary and History of Contraceptive Devices Contraceptive devices were designed to help prevent pregnancy, not to protect against Sexually Transmitted Diseases. For every method of contraception, there is a failure rate in preventing pregnancy. The only way to protect yourself 100% from pregnancy or STDs is to not have sex. The failure rate could be caused by either the method itself or by human error, such as incorrect use. Each method has possible side …

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…it the earliest known oral contraceptive. Centuries later, women in India used carrot seeds. In Europe's Middle Ages, it was said that if a woman worse a bone from the right side of a black cat around her neck, she would not get pregnant. If she could not get this, the bones and dried testicles of a weasel could substitute, or, if both we unavailable, an amulet of the earwax of a mule would suffice.