A Brave New World And 1984

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Many people have tried to predict the future. Eerily enough Aldous Huxley and George Orwell seemed to have a sense of what our world was headed towards with many of their ideas. The main idea behind Huxley's Brave New World was to show how technology and the government could change the very nature of man. Orwell's 1984 focused more on the way war and dictatorship in a society can shape a world into a place where …

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…a war in Iraq and so many of Americans haven't the faintest clue why. These books make the readers sit down and think about current headlines and just how relevant these books are even today. Both men were before their time. It seemed as though both of the authors tried to heed warnings to the world about the dangers that they felt humanity faced. It is scary how accurate some of their ideas really were.