A Bookreport/ Review on Timothy Findley's "The Wars"

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Book Report: The Wars By Timothy Findley "The Wars" by Timothy Findley is a simple but entrancing book about a young Canadian soldier in WWI. Mr. Findley wrote the novel as a researcher trying to recreate the story of Robert Ross, the Canadian soldier. While the novel was written in 1977 a good part of the book was based on correspondence that Mr. Findley had with his uncle, Thomas Irving Findley, during and after the war, …

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…dead, but he paused for the barest moment looking at the whole scene laid out before him and his anger rose to such a pitch that he feared he was going to go over into madness." (Findley, 203) The author presented strong human emotion and instincts, which were hard to ignore allowing me to become more apart of Robert Ross' and his decisions and Findley's ability to do this allows for a new and refreshing read.