A 6 page double space paper I had to do last year in MS1. The assignment was to pick 3 USA branches and state why I'd want to chose them as a career.
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
C/PVT Hopper, David Charles
MS 1100
Career Branch Choices
Speaking as a newly appointed second lieutenant in the US Army, my three choices of main service would be quite varied. In no particular order they would be Air-Defense Artillery, Aviation, and Infantry. I've always liked the idea of flying, be it transport or actual combat vehicles wouldn't matter to me. I would like to fly attack or combat support choppers though. I've always wanted the
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now, I am just trying to get though school, but I've always wanted to serve in the military. It is an 800 year tradition in my family. If it turns out I am later able to or have to commission into the US ARMY, I will go where I am told to go and do whatever job needs to be done. Thus is the life of a government servant, even if that government is sometimes wrong.
now, I am just trying to get though school, but I've always wanted to serve in the military. It is an 800 year tradition in my family. If it turns out I am later able to or have to commission into the US ARMY, I will go where I am told to go and do whatever job needs to be done. Thus is the life of a government servant, even if that government is sometimes wrong.