A) Outline the metaphysical hierarchy of Aristotle

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Metaphysics is the philosophical study that asks the question of what is real. It is the ancient's point of view on reality. There are three answers to the metaphysical question. Monism which states that reality is one and it is the eastern philosophy. Dualism which sees reality as two conflicting forces and the last pluralism which is reality is many. Hierarchy is rooted at pluralism. First we need to define hierarchy as the ancients defined …

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…purpose of truth. He beliefs that in our world today, a person would go to a psychologist when wanting to understand how courage is and would not go to the student who stood up in the face of this fear. The student clearly has courage, but he does not understand the cause of it. Stace says that those with authority on an issue are those who understand the cause or purpose of that same issue.