A) Explain how lay magistrates and district judges (magistrate's court) are selected and appointed. b) Identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the use of lay magistrates.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
1a) Explain how lay magistrates and district judges (magistrate's court) are selected and appointed. Lay Magistrates can also be referred to as 'justices of the peace'. The Lord Chancellor appoints JP's. This is formally done under a document called 'commission of the peace'. This is carried out in two ways. Either in respect of counties, where it is under the recommendation of the lord lieutenant of the county and assisted by the advisory committee, or …

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…the wrong decisions regarding a divorce case, where the client ends up losing children, or money etc. sometimes barristers can give the wrong advice. 'Hall v Simons' (hall-a firm) it was pointed out that doctors could be sued if barristers could be. The allowance of advocates to be used meant that cases could be re-argued. If barristers would ever fail to follow the code of conduct, senates could disbar a barrister from continuing his role.