9/11 Reaction Paper.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
My reaction to 9/11 was that it was a very horrific event. To borrow President Roosevelt's words I believe that it is a day that will live in infamy. I do not know how someone could murder all those people. In my opinion Osama bin Laden and President George W. Bush were both responsible. The obvious reason for saying Osama bin Laden was responsible is because he set it up and had his men commence the …

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…and many innocent lives. He may have even captured Osama bin Laden and brought him to justice if he didn't waste his time on a wild goose chase. I believe that the horror of September 11 will still be remembered for many generations to come, but that America will rebound from it. I also think that at some point Osama bin Laden will be caught and brought to justice when we get a more capable president.