9-11 and how it affected the United States.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Tuesday, September 11, 2001 was a day that devastated our entire nation and changed the lives of every American in some way. This was one of the most horrible tragedies in our nations history, because of all the lives lost and the twin towers that were demolished. The events that took place on September 11 had an outstanding effect on our country. The 9-11 tragedy was terrible yet unforgettable event. One year after this tragedy feels like a …

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…We will now have another topic to add to the history books and pass on to prevent something like this from happening again. All Americans will remember where they were when the Twin Towers went down. Another affect anyone can see all around our country is patriotism. Everyone now has new pride in the United States. Although the events of 9-11 took so much away from us it made our country stronger as a whole.