2pac Shakur's life.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Tupac (Two-pahk) Amur Shakur, commonly known as 2pac, led a violent life. He died on September 13, 1996. He was a gangsta rapper/Aspiring actor. Tupac was a big figure in the rap community, always doing what he wanted and not caring what others thought of him. His life symbolized what a lot of people have gone through, through his music and movies he showed us how hard life can be. Tupac was born in Brooklyn, NY …

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…which to believe. This man was great at what he did, rap, and movies and that is what I admire him for. "Associated Press Life." http://www.stallion.jsums.edu/~awi10997/Tupac/life.htm (19 September 1996). "The Death of Tupac." http://www.stallion.jsums.edu/~awi10997/Tupac/death.htm (19 September 1996). Payne, Barbara. "Tupac Shakurr Has Died." http://www.cpnet.com/shakur.htm (17 September 1996). "Thuglife Central: Unofficial 2pac Homepage." http://www.miu.com/Rap/Tupac.htm/ (17 September 1996).