2000 North Carolina Gubernatorial election

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Essay Database > History
The election for governor of North Carolina proved to be tightly contested race; with Richard Vinroot the republican candidate gaining support in the weeks immediately prior to the election. Mike Easley had an early advantage, being the democratic incumbent. Easley was the better-known and better-financed candidate, which helped him to an early advantage. However, during the final weeks of the campaign the advantage swung to Vinroot as undecided voters were swept up in a republican …

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…who best addressed their needs. Mike Easley was able to win because he promised to improve education without raising taxes due to a state lottery. Richard Vinroot had a chance in the gubernatorial election by trying to ride the coattails of George W. Bush, but when it came down to it voters concerned themselves not with party affiliation, but concerned themselves with the current issues, with the greatest emphasis on the issue of improving education.