2. The novella Heart Of Darkness by Joseph Conrad is not only an adventure story but also a social critique and an exploration of the human mind and human morality. Discuss

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The semi-autobiographical novella, Heart of Darkness, was written by Joseph Conrad in 1899. In order to adequately capture the true meaning and purpose of the novel it must be read not only as an adventure story but also as a social critique of imperialism and an exploration into the human mind and human morality. The novella provides great insight into the depths of the human psyche and explores the issue of mankind's inner savagery, or heart …

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…Africa in the late 1800's through certain narrative methods. In order to adequately capture the true meaning and purpose of the novel it must be read not only as an adventure story but also as a social critique of imperialism and an exploration into the human mind and human morality. The novel is a profound insight into the depths of the human psyche and explores the issue of mankind's inner savagery, or heart of darkness.