2. Describe the major setbacks/disappointments in your life, preferably professional and explain how you dealt with it (400 words)

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
As a fresher, and a keen interest in networks, I succeeded in landing a job with Hutchison Telecom East Ltd as an engineer in the Switch department Every technical fresher in a telecom company, has to undergo a training, to get a holistic understanding of the system. This starts with a brief introduction to the systems and the network in general and then he is sent to the vendors place to understand better the functioning …

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…assimilate knowledge pertaining to the systems. Simultaneously I turned out productive work for my employer. Working was rather difficult with a leg encased in a heavy plaster cast; nevertheless, with a little assistance from our vendor and senior colleagues in our team I did gain a holistic understanding of the system. I did indeed succeed in what I wanted to do. This experience helped me understand how a setback could be converted into an opportunity.