2 different stories by Poe," Masque of Red Death" & "Fall of Usher House".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Although The Masque of the Red Death and The Fall of the House of Usher are written in different view points, the fact that each method works well for each story is true because third-person helps to better oversee all the events taking place, first-person gives a heightened sense of intensity, and if each stories' view point was switched then the two stories would not be the timeless classics that they are today. The Masque …

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…point is chosen, the emotion of overall feeling the author is trying to show can just turn into a bunch of boring descriptions and accounts, pointless feelings, and senseless ramble. Deciding what emotion the author wants to instill into the reader must be decided upon before the writing process even takes place. One may have never truly realized the importance of the viewpoint in a story until they have had it explained to them here.